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Inner Peace


"When you have a clear mind you have everything" Jacob Glass

2022 and Beyond New Year's Goal: Inner Peace

Chapter one of my self-published book is titled a Clear Mind, inspired by one of Jacob Glass' lectures, he's one of my favorite spiritual teachers. The premise of the chapter is that we can obtain a clear mind via having a calm mind AND a disciplined mind. In my opinion a calm mind is developed by a consistent (preferably a formal) meditation practice and a disciplined mind is developed through mind management i.e. training our unruly mind (thoughts/beliefs/perceptions). I would say a clear mind is equivalent to having true inner peace. The the end of 2019 marked inner peace as a genuine and common  feeling for me. Of course I have days and moments when I experience anything but inner peace but I can happily report most of the time I feel quite content...inside even if things on the outside are messy... it's a beautiful thing. However, it's been a very gradual process i.e. slow, very challenging at times and a work in progress for many, many years. In fact, the journey to Inner Peace is always a work in progress but these days it is easier and mostly joyful process.

Entering 2022, I am recommitting to my continued development of having a clear mind, particularly returning to being consistent about my morning ritual which includes waking up two hours before my start of work to have time for my meditation practice, exercise and my learning. Although I am blessed to be able to have grown in other ways and had very positive changes in my life as a result of the pandemic, I have not been able to maintain a consistent morning ritual for almost a year. It's been a few years since I have entered the New Year with this level of enthusiasm for my New Year resolution, it's great to have this feeling again. 

I look forward to 2022 and beyond and I especially look forward to continuing to help others to find Healing, obtain Inner Peace and Enjoy Life 💙

To purchase my book which has many if the techniques and ideas I have implemented myself over the years, please visit Amazon link: Balls the Size of Melons

And as always to join me in this journey please visit me at:

Vida Consulting Services



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