"When you have a clear mind you have everything" Jacob Glass 2022 and Beyond New Year's Goal: Inner Peace Chapter one of my self-published book is titled a Clear Mind, inspired by one of Jacob Glass' lectures, he's one of my favorite spiritual teachers. The premise of the chapter is that we can obtain a clear mind via having a calm mind AND a disciplined mind . In my opinion a calm mind is developed by a consistent (preferably a formal) meditation practice and a disciplined mind is developed through mind management i.e. training our unruly mind (thoughts/beliefs/perceptions). I would say a clear mind is equivalent to having true inner peace. The the end of 2019 marked inner peace as a genuine and common feeling for me. Of course I have days and moments when I experience anything but inner peace but I can happily report most of the time I feel quite content...inside even if things on the outside are messy... it's a beautiful thing. However, i t's been a ...