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What's Your Passion?


"Tell me what you are willing to suffer for and I will tell you your passion" Anonymous

Today during my virtual Mastermind speaking group, one of our speakers gave a great talk (speech) on passion. I've heard and read lots about passion and have even talked and written about it many times myself. Actually, I think almost my entire book, Balls the Size of Melons, is  about living life with passion. Merriam online definition of passion is: 1 : a strong feeling or emotion He spoke with passion. 2 : an object of someone's love, liking, or desire Art is my passion. 3 : strong liking or desire : love She has a passion for music.

There's no mention of suffering there. Until today, I had never considered passion as encompassing suffering. Suffering...really? It almost seems that suffering would in some ways be the opposite of passion. To me passion has always conjured up feelings and images of joy, curiosity, liveliness, about what makes my heart sing not what pains my heart well, at least until today that is. The speech was about the speaker's journey of recognizing his own passion and the winding, difficult and arduous road to living his passion. In his speech he asks, "What's your passion?...What are you wiling to suffer for?" 

                                                          Photo courtesy of
Wow, did that second question sure get my attention! Not ever knowing what my blog post will be about until I sit down to start writing, his speech today was much needed and welcomed as it gave me the content for this blog post AND has helped bring more clarity on my own so called passions. I enjoyed the entire speech and look forward to my fellow Mastermind speaking buddy landing a TEDx talk with it soon, when he does, I'll be sure to come back and add the link here.  

Some weeks ago I was masterminding with another speaking buddy as I had asked her for feedback on my own speech ideas. She said what's your passion? What's that one message you just HAVE TO share with the world? And I honestly answered that there were several messages I wanted to share with the world as I am a multi-passionate person, there has not been one message that seems to take priority over the others. After our zoom call, I listed my top passions, which by the way, I had narrowed down from 10-12 back in 2015. I just couldn't decide which of my passions, took priority. My current passions as they stand today are: 

1) Social Entrepreneurship (being wealthy and doing good in the world) 

2) Conscious Parenting (helping to promote the importance of)

3 ) Conscious Living/Personal Development/Growth

4) Music/Dance 

5) Death/Grief/End of Life/Hospice Care  

6) Travel/Outdoors/Recreation

7) Teaching/Speaking/LifeLong Learning

Once I ask the question, What are you willing to suffer for?  my list of passions dwindles down to #1, 2 and 6 (entrepreneurship, conscious parenting and travel). I still am a multi-passionate person and it does not mean I don't love and highly enjoy all my other interests but after hearing today's speech and that one question, boy did it help bring some clarity and validation regarding my own passions. These 3 passions are the ones I truly feel I cannot live without. They are the things I have suffered for, sacrificed for and fought for and will continue to do so until the day I die (unless of course, another passion is born). The speaker shared about his one lifelong passion, music/singing (opera) but I believe that as the seasons in our life change, some of us may have a different experience. I believe, passions can and sometimes do change as we travel this journey of life. I hope that in sharing what I learned today, next time you are asking yourself "What's my passion?" you might also consider "What am I willing to suffer for?", whatever the answer to that, well just could be your genuine passion indeed.

As always to learn more about me and join me in my upcoming workshops/events in Santa Barbara, CA please visit my website:

Vida Consulting Services


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