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Showing posts from July, 2021

The "Old You"

  "Yet, the life of the caterpillar must end for the glory of the butterfly to shine. The 'old you' must die before the best you can be born." excerpt from The 5am Club by Robin Sharma In this last year of returning to mental health, I have at times been weighed down by how much I hear clients share feelings of being "stuck", many express the sentiment that working in a job they dislike or hate feels "bleak" and many in one way or another express feeling directionless and purposeless. As someone who loves adventure, travel, change, working on my life goals and dreams and fulfilling my purpose, my heart really does ache for many of my clients. It especially aches for the young ones who have found themselves in the trap of the American Dream. These are the twenty to thirty somethings who went to college and have become burdened by mortgages, unhealthy relationships and student loans (for a degree they were told by parents or teachers would bring the...