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Die Trying


"'s better to die trying (to live your bravest dream) than to live sleeping" Robin Sharma

As I enter the last year of my 40s, "I shall die trying" has become my new mantra. Recently, I have said it to others and I have spoken it many, many times to myself since mid-last year. It started as a way for me to remind myself to not give up, to be patient and not let what appears to be no progress plus the global pandemic bring me down. I use it as a much needed reminder in light of the fact that my biggest and bravest dream and business goal has not even begun. It's my own motivation and inspiration pep talk and way to have faith (continue to believe) that I will someday build the next "Starbucks level mega, global business". It's so interesting how soothing this statement (my new mantra) can be. Probably, because it sums me up pretty well, I am a fighter, I am strong, I don't give up and I shall never rest until it is accomplished or I have run out of time. I am well aware that running out of time (in this case, for me, it would have to be an early death-before 70) is a possibility for all of us. I have worked in hospitals as a per diem social worker and know that there is always a possibility anyone of us could not make it home on any given day. 

However, I hope to live until I am at least 100 years young so in some ways saying this mantra, "I shall die trying" is really very soothing because now more then ever before, I understand and accept the importance of enjoying the journey and seeing all the detours, supposed failures and "missed" opportunities as just a part of the intricacy and synchronicities of Life. All of which, I realize will only help make my global social enterprise a grand success someday, that will not only provide the success, fulfillment and wealth I desire but will do so for thousands (or millions) of people. What can I say? I dream BIG and BIG is probably an understatement 😅

In sharing my newest mantra, my hope is that it will do the same for you. For those of you, waking up from the "shoulds" of the world, you know the familial and societal expectations that many of us follow because that is the path/beliefs we have been taught and/or influenced to follow/believe. The "shoulds" of the world often lead to a life void of meaning and fulfillment, often ignoring our soul's deep yearnings and desires. When we start to wake up, when we start to listen and identify our soul's "biggest" and "bravest" dreams but at the same time feel discouraged or feel that it would never be possible for us or feel it is not happening fast enough or even happening at all, despite our efforts, those times, that is when this mantra can help. I have been there many, many times as well and know this, you will move forward as long as you don't give up and give in. Let "I shall die trying" lead you through those moments, days, weeks, months and perhaps (like me) years of doubt. 

My social enterprise is still an idea but I am doing the work needed on myself and my finances to make sure this second try at building a business is successful. I am making efforts although at times I lose sight of that. "I shall die trying" puts me at ease, helps me relax and focus on the journey and will eventually help me reach my destination, may it do the same for you.

As always to learn more about my work please visit:

Vida Consulting Services


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