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Showing posts from October, 2020

Our Dead

  "Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them"  George Eliot I've wondered why, as an adult, I have had a comfort level around death that most people don't. I used to think it was because I hadn't really experienced a significant loss. But I have experienced two now and still feel that my acceptance of death as part of Life, is a bit out of the cultural norm. Perhaps my comfort with death began when I accompanied my Mom several times as a young adult to Mexico to attend her siblings funerals. I found the velorio (wake) and novenario (9 days of prayer for the deceased) both fascinating and beautiful. To see loved ones gather around the body, supporting the surviving family members, at the deceased's home to cry, to reminisce, to laugh, to eat, drink and cry all over again and often wail in the presence of others was so meaningful.  When my Mom died in 2011, unlike some of my siblings, for me, her death was as natural as our births and the accep...