A few years ago, I heard this quote during a lecture by Jacob Glass, one of my favorite teachers who I have listened to and learned so much from since 2014. When Jacob shared this quote, I wrote it down immediately and I remember thinking "thank you Jacob I needed to hear this". In fact, hearing that quote was a bit of a turning point in my path to achieving my personal business goals. I physically felt lighter and freer after that lecture and memorizing the quote.
The quote itself is wonderful, thank you LL. And although, I don't remember all the details of the lecture (I have probably listened to over a hundred lectures at this point), in his usual way Jacob Glass, helped me release a sense of urgency and pressure that I was holding over myself to be "further ahead" with my respect to my business goals and dreams. I also remember my good friend of over 20 years joined me for the lecture as we were also celebrating my birthday. Our lunch conversation was centered around the lecture and LL Cool J's quote. I remember we both came away thinking and feeling, "that's right, keep dreaming, keep trying, don't give up, dreams really don't have deadlines". Considering I was moving past my mid 40s that day and my good friend was moving into her mid-60's, we were hella inspired by both Jacob and LL.
Recently, I once again was starting to feel that self-imposed pressure and noticed the self-criticism creeping up in my day to day thoughts. Those thoughts about my not being further ahead in my business goals and really feeling like I haven't achieved much with respect to those goals. In fact, I would say that my business goals are at a complete standstill. Sure I can blame COVID-19 but the truth is, I wasn't achieving much with respect to my business goals prior to this virus descending upon the entire world and my world too. Granted I know the reasons why my personal goals have been on a back burner for the past two years. I consciously made a decision to focus on honoring my son Andrew's life and death. But that didn't seem to be enough for those thoughts to keep from creeping in. Fortunately, I came across LL's quote in my Quotes Journal which I look at every once in a while. So glad I did as I once again felt lighter and validated that really, there is no deadlines on our dreams, there's no rush. Sure sometimes it does feel like there is urgency, I am not going to lie, I would like to achieve true financial freedom and build my social enterprise which will greatly enhance the betterment of humanity (did I mention I dream BIG?) sooner rather than later. But in the end and what revisiting this quote helped me remember is that as long as I don't give up, as long as I keep trying, dreams and goals can be achieved. I hope the quote does the same for you. Let us not give up on our dreams!
Join me as we Dream together and Enjoy the Journey:
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