I have had this quote in my Vision Journal (by the way, this is a great exercise similar to a Vision Board from Jack Canfield's book The Success Principles), and every time I see it, which is pretty often, I get re-inspired. I get inspired to not give up on my dreams and goals and just as importantly to re-commit every day if I have to, to my own self-discipline. I feel, on a gut level, that it is my self-discipline that will ultimately lead the way to making my dreams and goals a reality. Like most people and despite all the personal growth work I've done, I sometimes do get disillusioned and doubt creeps in, especially with respect to achieving my "big vision" goals. There are different techniques I use to stop focusing and putting energy on thoughts that don't serve me such as "You should be farther along then you are...will it ever happen?...why does it feel like I am not getting anywhere?..maybe it's not meant to be" etc... but sometimes especially recently, I often stop these negative thoughts by asking myself, "Have you done your part? Have you done everything you need to do?" I am asking myself about the self-discipline that I know is important for me to commit to and re-commit to everyday if necessary until it becomes a habit. It may not important for others, but for me being able to do my morning ritual which includes doing my 20 minute meditation, sipping my latte or tea while reading for at least 30 minutes and exercising if possible in the early morning, is the number one habit that I believe will lead to the achievement of my goals and dreams. And, if my answer is "No", I don't beat myself up or focus on that answer. Sometimes I counter it with "I'm trying" or simply "Keep trying baby girl, don't give up, it's OK, just try again tomorrow" Regardless of the answer, asking myself that question, gets me out of my momentary disillusionment or doubt pretty quickly, its my newest mental technique. It may not work for others but reminding myself with that question, that getting up early for my morning ritual, even if or when I don't want to do it, is my part, my responsibility and the only thing that I really have any control over.
Although, I am still shooting for becoming a habitual early riser again and getting my morning ritual started between 5-6 am, I have noticed that the phase of life I am in right now coupled with it being summer time and having a social and active teenage son is making for some very late nights during the week. Lately, if feels like more often then not, I am not getting to bed until well past 11 pm or midnight. One thing I have learned about myself is that if I don't have a good 7 hours of sleep, I am a lot less productive and I have a very noticeable decline in my memory and thinking. I am not as sharp or stimulated as when I get my full hours of sleep and all I do is fall asleep during my meditations. Maybe the self-discipline now becomes ensuring I get 7-8 hours of sleep? Maybe this is just another way my mind tries to keep me in my comfort zone? Maybe I am just justifying why I can't seem to make early rising a habit? Or maybe late nights really are the "new normal" for me?
Who knows but the reality for most of us is that self-discipline regardless of which area of our lives, body, mind or spirit we are focusing on, can be challenging, takes work and takes commitment. Don't give up, let's keep trying! This quote which I recently heard someone share has now been added to my Vision Journal and like the quote I started this blog post with, it inspires me to commit and re-commit to my self-discipline, I hope it does the same for you:
"Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has passed you."
As always enjoy the journey:
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