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Showing posts from January, 2020


"Your new life is going to cost you your old one." Brianna Wiest The other day, I happened to look through one of my older journals, in fact it was the first journal I had ever started, pretty late in life, just some years back (2014). It was a journal a friend gave me as a birthday gift and I occasionally enjoy looking through it and being re-inspired by the ideas, quotes, thoughts, and reflections that are in it. When I flipped to the page where I had cut and pasted the quote above and re-read it, I felt such a deep knowing it was almost physical. It felt as if someone or something had "stabbed" my heart with the truth. It was in no way an unpleasant feeling and I wish I could find another word instead of "stabbed" but that's what it felt like. It's probably why people say "hit in the gut with the truth" or "your gut feeling". Your gut being your intuition, the part of you that knows the truth for you. Not the tru...