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"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change." Jim Rohn
2020 is upon us and I don't know if I have ever looked so forward to the start of a New Year. 2020 is going to be by far, the best year of my life! I remember saying those same words to myself at the start of 2018. And yet, 2018 was by far the worst year of my life on so many levels....such is life and the ch-ch-changes that come upon us. In 2018, I think I was  uttering the words in an attempt to convince myself, which is OK. I believe and have used the "fake it til you make it" philosophy of life. Now though, as I enter 2020 there is a completely different sense of confidence and joy in my heart, it is a knowing not an attempt to convince. I also now know that I can withstand and deal with both wanted and unwanted changes as well as life's curve balls and blindsides thanks to the constant devotion to my own personal development as well and my reignited desire to contribute to others and the world. Needless to say, I am jazzed about 2020 as so many of my efforts and passions have begun to take shape, to take root and once again, I am so enjoying the journey of life.
In the last 10 years I have noticed how different I am to most people I know, when it comes to embracing change. I LOVE change, without constant change in my life, I don't know what sort of physical, emotional or psychological state I would be in. However, for several years (mostly in my late thirties, early forties) I felt there was something wrong with me due to my constant desire for adventure, travel, new friends, new challenges/constant learning in jobs, new vistas, etc... Most other people seemed and still seem to me, very content with the 9-5, the traditional American life and the pursuit of the "American Dream". Ironically my husband or rather ex-husband (significant other now) is one of those people, very content with the 9-5 lifestyle.
In 2012 when I discovered the teachings of Numerology, was the first time in my adult life that I felt completely understood and validated with respect for my constant need for change and growth. You see, I am a life path number 5. Our life path number is determined by our date of birth and in essence Pythagoras (think Pythagorean theorem) over 2000 years ago postulated that we are born into a certain life frequency, vibration or destiny if you will based on our date of birth. This is just one example of a descriptor for a life path 5, "You are a free spirit who doesn't like to be tied down or told what to do. You are carefree and hardworking and like to dance to the beat of your own drum while making the music up as you go. You are a multi-tasker with many projects on the go and often have to learn to be kind to yourself." Beyond being validated for my unique soul's desires and needs, in learning about Numerology, I also attained a deeper understanding and compassion for how different all of our life paths and destinies truly can be and how everyone is truly unique. The path of less change, like my man's preference, is just perfect for him, just as more change is perfect for me.
As 2019 comes to a close and a big change looms just ahead, I started doubting once again my constant need for change and growth. Mind you, they are brief moments of doubt that I am now very good at identifying almost immediately. I don't think self-doubt or self-criticism ever really leaves us as much as we learn to give those thoughts and feelings less and less attention and energy. And as usual I read, hear or see something that confirms I am on the right path or provides the validation or guidance I need. The following quote from Sadhguru, was just the thing I needed to read and became the inspiration for this blog post. December 28th Wake up to Wisdom Mystic Quote..."People resist change because they rather stick to the known devil than pursue the unknown angel. Familiarity breeds comfort and inertia." 
I have danced with the known devil far too long and I won't lie, it has been comfortable and fun but time to keep my dancing feet moving towards the unknown, with only one thing remaining constant....more ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. I joyfully welcome them. 

As always join me as we fly together, create our lives by design and enjoy the journey:

For information on numerology and determine your life path number, visit Token Rock Numerology website listed below and plug in your date of birth:


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