"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change." Jim Rohn 2020 is upon us and I don't know if I have ever looked so forward to the start of a New Year. 2020 is going to be by far, the best year of my life! I remember saying those same words to myself at the start of 2018. And yet, 2018 was by far the worst year of my life on so many levels....such is life and the ch-ch-changes that come upon us. In 2018, I think I was uttering the words in an attempt to convince myself, which is OK. I believe and have used the "fake it til you make it" philosophy of life. Now though, as I enter 2020 there is a completely different sense of confidence and joy in my heart, it is a knowing not an attempt to convince. I also now know that I can withstand and deal with both wanted and unwanted changes as well as life's curve balls and blindsides thanks to the constant devotion to my own personal development as well and my reignited desire to contribute to o...