"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" Neale Donald Walsch
Below is an excerpt (in bold) from Chapter 3 of my book:
"You have balls the size of melons" this is what my friend and quasi-business mentor told me shortly after we met in 2014. I knew myself to be a pretty confident person and particularly a confident and independent woman but I had never been told that before. It always makes me laugh when I remember her telling me this, so I thought it would be fitting to title this chapter on confidence with her phrase and praise. It is essential to develop confidence so that we can change the world and ourselves. OK, I know some of you might be thinking "I don't want to change the world and I definitely don't want to be told I have balls the size of melons", well, maybe guys do? I do think however that we all secretly wish to make a lasting contribution or difference in this world. Or at the very least, to know that our lives have purpose, meaning or have made a difference in some way. Most of us probably feel this way still or maybe can't remember feeling this way but I am sure most of us felt this way when we were younger, before we got hurt, jaded about life or down and out about our circumstances. The reason developing confidence is so important is because with confidence, we start going outside our comfort zones and begin changing ourselves and our lives. When we change ourselves, which is really the only thing we have any control over, ironically, we can then help change the world (if we choose to).....I believe self-confidence is the foundation of living an effective and successful life for the following reasons:
1) When life's bumps happen i.e. death of loved ones, mid-life crisis, financial losses, divorces, layoffs, illnesses, etc...the people who have developed self-confidence will bounce back quicker.
2) When we develop confidence in ourselves we will be able to express our gifts, talents and abilities more openly and thus be happier, more peaceful and joyful human beings.
3) Confident people serve as an inspiration to others (if they can do it, maybe I can too).
4) Confident people know how to ask for what they want and/or will figure out a way to bring it into their lives.
5) Confident people take risks (in spite of fear or trepidation) and taking risks is what can be the difference between living an average life and an amazing life.
My book which I had written before my major detour in 2018, will finally be self-published by the end of this year (2019). All proceeds from the sale of my book will go towards Vida Center, a non-profit organization, formed to help heal our youth and support their success in life.
As always, please join me in enjoying the journey of life (even when major detours and curve balls come our way):"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" Neale Donald Walsch
Below is an excerpt (in bold) from Chapter 3 of my book:

"You have balls the size of melons" this is what my friend and quasi-business mentor told me shortly after we met in 2014. I knew myself to be a pretty confident person and particularly a confident and independent woman but I had never been told that before. It always makes me laugh when I remember her telling me this, so I thought it would be fitting to title this chapter on confidence with her phrase and praise. It is essential to develop confidence so that we can change the world and ourselves. OK, I know some of you might be thinking "I don't want to change the world and I definitely don't want to be told I have balls the size of melons", well, maybe guys do? I do think however that we all secretly wish to make a lasting contribution or difference in this world. Or at the very least, to know that our lives have purpose, meaning or have made a difference in some way. Most of us probably feel this way still or maybe can't remember feeling this way but I am sure most of us felt this way when we were younger, before we got hurt, jaded about life or down and out about our circumstances. The reason developing confidence is so important is because with confidence, we start going outside our comfort zones and begin changing ourselves and our lives. When we change ourselves, which is really the only thing we have any control over, ironically, we can then help change the world (if we choose to).....I believe self-confidence is the foundation of living an effective and successful life for the following reasons:
1) When life's bumps happen i.e. death of loved ones, mid-life crisis, financial losses, divorces, layoffs, illnesses, etc...the people who have developed self-confidence will bounce back quicker.
2) When we develop confidence in ourselves we will be able to express our gifts, talents and abilities more openly and thus be happier, more peaceful and joyful human beings.
3) Confident people serve as an inspiration to others (if they can do it, maybe I can too).
4) Confident people know how to ask for what they want and/or will figure out a way to bring it into their lives.
5) Confident people take risks (in spite of fear or trepidation) and taking risks is what can be the difference between living an average life and an amazing life.
My book which I had written before my major detour in 2018, will finally be self-published by the end of this year (2019). All proceeds from the sale of my book will go towards Vida Center, a non-profit organization, formed to help heal our youth and support their success in life.
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