"Cry yourself a River, Build yourself a Bridge, then get Over it" I saw this quote on a bumper sticker many years ago and thought how wise. It represents my model of living life and particularly how to deal with the hard times and crisis in our lives. I have always felt it is necessary and nothing to be ashamed of to have our own pity party when we confront troubles no matter how insignificant they might seem to others (and it's usually our own minds doing the comparison). Or when we are just feeling sad, down or sorrow for whatever reason or circumstance. You are feeling whatever you are feeling and that's it and it's ok...cry yourself a river. Stay in bed, feel sorry for yourself even if just momentarily, see a counselor, find someone to talk to, whatever it is you need to do to give expression to your hurt, pain, sorrows, etc...just don't try to deny, justify, intellectualize or try to answer why you shouldn't be feeling this way. If you try t...