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The Power of Our Subconscious Mind

The bad news:Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between something real (outside of you) and something you imagine. It also accepts everything you think about yourself and the world as true (even if it's just a thought and has no actual basis).

When we are angry, judging, blaming or hating others our subconscious believes the thoughts we are having are about us (and not about the person we are actually having the thoughts about). Now that's a scary thought and one we rarely give much thought to. Not only that, the chemicals our strong emotions produce are generated within us and stay in us, in our bodies. Neither our thoughts nor emotions (which produce chemicals) go anywhere! This is one of the reasons, for our own health and well-being, we need to be able to get to the place where we can forgive others no matter what they have done because we are doing it for our sake and not theirs. I do understand that it can be a very difficult process because some acts and wrongdoings can seem impossible to forgive but it comes down to our own peace of mind and wellness.

I've read many books that stress the importance of minding what we say after "I am". How many times have we jokingly (or not so jokingly) said about ourselves or hear young kids/teens say "I am such an idiot". "I am a dumb dumb",  "I am ugly", "I am lazy", "I am unorganized" might seem innocent enough but if we repeat many times over many years, there's a good chance that statement will become something we subconsciously believe about ourselves and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Often times what we think on a conscious level is very different from what we really, subconsciously believe about ourselves. For example, we can think and say "I deserve to be wealthy and happy" yet some limiting belief or emotional blockage or imprinting from our early childhood can override that statement because on a deep subconscious and unconscious level we do not feel worthy of money, love or happiness.  

For generations we have lived without realizing the both powerful and complex effect of our subconscious mind on our day to day lives. I believe for that reason mainly, most of us have not been able to live life fully, joyfully and abundantly. 

There is a change happening in the world and especially here in the U.S. for the better. This might be hard for some people to believe as we seem to be bombarded by all the bad news that the media throws our way. What I have discovered in these past few years of learning from fields such as neuroscience, metaphysics, quantum physics, meditation/mindfulness, conscious living, that although the knowledge on the power of our subconscious mind has been known for millennia, it is now being exposed more often within and accepted by mainstream culture. This leads to the good news...

The good news: This knowledge, when understood and harnessed can be tapped into for healing, growth and freedom. It can be applied in many positive ways as the excerpt below highlights (full article listed underneath)

"...You can clearly see that the changes in the brain in those who imaged playing piano are the same as in those who actually played piano. Really, your brain doesn’t distinguish real from imaginary!
It’s pretty obvious when you think about it. The stress response evolved in humans to give us the ability to fight or flee when faced with danger. Chemicals including cortisol and adrenalin help kick start the body, pushing blood towards the major muscles to give you strength. But the exact same stress response kicks in when you imagine danger, also producing cortisol and adrenalin and pushing blood around the body. The same chemistry is produced regardless of whether the danger is real or imagined.
What does all this mean in real life? It means that what you imagine to be happening is actually happening as far as your brain is concerned."
I look forward to doing whatever I can via my work and events to help in bringing the knowledge on the power of our minds to those of us who have not been exposed to it. Just as importantly, I  also want to help make accessible the application of the modalities and techniques that will help many of us heal from the wounds, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors that are buried deep within the recesses of our subconscious minds. This healing (integration of our emotional imprinting) will help us live life as I believe it is meant to be lived, with joy, purpose and prosperity.
To purchase my book "Balls the Size of Melons" please visit my services page at:  100% of the proceeds goes to helping Youth.
Come Fly With Me and Enjoy the Journey:


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