"...walking gets too boring when you learn how to fly..." I LOVE these lyrics from Shakira's song Gypsy.
They describe how I feel about my Life journey since 2014. I feel like I have learned how to fly! I am not soaring yet and actually I probably am still learning to fly but I am definitely not walking anymore. And let me tell you, walking IS boring when you learn how to fly. Let me explain and by the way, WELCOME to my blog and my website Vida805.com
My name is Maria Guadalupe Hernandez (I know double/triple whammy with the name...I'll share the story about my name on another post someday) but I prefer to go by my nickname Mari. I like Mari better and it helps to differentiate myself from the thousands, if not millions, of Maria Hernandez's out there.
I bought the domain (Vida805.com) in 2016 knowing that one day I would get around to sharing with others, especially Latinos in the 805 area code (Santa Barbara and Ventura peeps), about the "secrets" to living our lives successfully. Living our lives successfully means (to me), having a purpose, knowing and expressing our passions and innate gifts (this equates to fulfillment), having fun (this includes laughing and smiling as often as possible), enjoying the journey, dealing with obstacles, struggles, challenges, losses and curve balls as they come but not letting them keep us down, moving past our comfort zone, being life-long learners, growing, having dreams/goals of all sizes (especially BIG ones) and most importantly dancing all the way (I know some people may not agree with the dancing piece...but OK, everyone has a right to their wrong opinion ). Seriously, the dancing is optional, the rest I don't think is.
These principles of success (aka knowledge) have existed for thousand of years yet very few people actually know about them and much less, know how to apply them to their lives consistently. This knowledge is what I want to share on this Vida Inspiration Blog and it only took 2 years!
p.s. It probably goes without saying but I'll say it anyway, these will be my personal opinions based on my personal and professional experiences. Some of the information and views I will share are sure to rock some boats, make some people uncomfortable (when looking at or reflecting on their own lives), anger others and/or some will just disagree and that is absolutely OK, thank goodness we don't all think alike. And for those peeps out there who feel inspired or feel there is some truth to the knowledge/secrets that I will share please stay the course, be persistent and consistent. Remember, genuine lasting change (transformation) does not happen overnight. The caterpillar struggles and probably feels like it's going to die before it completes its' transformation. And also the caterpillar had no idea that walking was boring until it learned to fly...join me in flying, there's a lot of joy and wealth to tap into for ourselves, our loved ones and this world. I feel like I should say "Si Se Puede" y pues si, Si Se Puede!
They describe how I feel about my Life journey since 2014. I feel like I have learned how to fly! I am not soaring yet and actually I probably am still learning to fly but I am definitely not walking anymore. And let me tell you, walking IS boring when you learn how to fly. Let me explain and by the way, WELCOME to my blog and my website Vida805.com
I bought the domain (Vida805.com) in 2016 knowing that one day I would get around to sharing with others, especially Latinos in the 805 area code (Santa Barbara and Ventura peeps), about the "secrets" to living our lives successfully. Living our lives successfully means (to me), having a purpose, knowing and expressing our passions and innate gifts (this equates to fulfillment), having fun (this includes laughing and smiling as often as possible), enjoying the journey, dealing with obstacles, struggles, challenges, losses and curve balls as they come but not letting them keep us down, moving past our comfort zone, being life-long learners, growing, having dreams/goals of all sizes (especially BIG ones) and most importantly dancing all the way (I know some people may not agree with the dancing piece...but OK, everyone has a right to their wrong opinion ). Seriously, the dancing is optional, the rest I don't think is.
These principles of success (aka knowledge) have existed for thousand of years yet very few people actually know about them and much less, know how to apply them to their lives consistently. This knowledge is what I want to share on this Vida Inspiration Blog and it only took 2 years!
p.s. It probably goes without saying but I'll say it anyway, these will be my personal opinions based on my personal and professional experiences. Some of the information and views I will share are sure to rock some boats, make some people uncomfortable (when looking at or reflecting on their own lives), anger others and/or some will just disagree and that is absolutely OK, thank goodness we don't all think alike. And for those peeps out there who feel inspired or feel there is some truth to the knowledge/secrets that I will share please stay the course, be persistent and consistent. Remember, genuine lasting change (transformation) does not happen overnight. The caterpillar struggles and probably feels like it's going to die before it completes its' transformation. And also the caterpillar had no idea that walking was boring until it learned to fly...join me in flying, there's a lot of joy and wealth to tap into for ourselves, our loved ones and this world. I feel like I should say "Si Se Puede" y pues si, Si Se Puede!
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