"Don't Die With Your Music Still In You" is a quote by Wayne Dyer and it's a quote I think everyone should have somewhere, where it can be seen every day. There's another similar quote which I really like by Norman Cousins it says "Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live" . I believe both these quotes are great reminders to all of us that we all have innate gifts, desires and passions that need to be given full expression. This is what gives our lives joy and fulfillment. What would it take for you to really believe that your heart's desires, your dreams, your passions, your longings, could actually happen? You, not some person you read about or hear of. The you who reads the quote and feels the sad truth behind them. Are you brave enough to admit that you are one of so many people who might die with your dreams, passions and/or desires lying dormant, perhaps unrecognized or repressed? ...