I was listening to Impact Theory's (Tom Bilyeu) interview with Trent Shelton. Trent was talking about sharing our gifts with the world and how we usually doubt ourselves, how we doubt that we actually have anything of value to contribute. Then he shared how his mother inspired him to speak, to share his message, when she said to him " Trent, s omebody needs your story" As usual, the timing of certain messages never ceases to amaze me. This was a message I really needed to hear. You see, lately I have been wondering if my 2 year delay in publishing my first book was a sign that it shouldn't happen. I was wondering and doubting that I really had written anything of value to share. Despite mind you, being told many times over the years by different people (both males and females) from all walks of life, that I have helped, inspired or influenced them in some way. Although, these moments of hesitation and self-doubt are infrequent, lately I have been having them a li...